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The Jerusalem book cover is a prime example of handmade high quality Italian woodwork done by La Casa Gentili, in the small town of Fossombrone, Italy, using their finest oak and nacre (pearl). Each phase of the binding, namely the stitching, backing of the cover and the making of the headbands, were all done manually with great precision and accuracy. The binding of the book is made of natural leather which has been dyed and tanned with artisan techniques, and the spine of the book is painted with gold liquid leaf.

The book cover magnificently depicts the city of Jerusalem, created using 15 colors and was inspired by the unique work of Baruj Salinas’s mother, Regina Algazi de Salinas. This is an artistic and spiritual book with a cover that has beautiful decorations which derived it’s importance for its aesthetic and religious prominence. It visually portrays Jerusalem, the jewel-like city where significant events in history, described in the Torah, took place. It is the sacred place for the world’s three major religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam. This holy city is the crucial point of interfaith dialogue. 

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